
[Real Diary] Thanks to Korean Face Contouring, It's Not A Nightmare Anymore

8:00:00 AM

짱이뻐! - Thanks to Korean Face Contouring, It's Not A Nightmare Anymore

I realized that I’m not that pretty as I grew up. When my friends started to going out with their boyfriends, I just envied them. T.T I was shy and didn’t feel proud of my self because of my looks. When I went to the university, I was stressed because I need to get a job, and also because of my appearance. I lost weight and tried to look better, but my jaw was blocking the way.

Now, I had to make the decision. I decided to get the two jaw surgery, and hope the surgery will be the tuning point of my life e long and uneven jaw. So when I see the photos of me, I always covered the mouth area with something.

짱이뻐! - Thanks to Korean Face Contouring, It's Not A Nightmare Anymore짱이뻐! - Thanks to Korean Face Contouring, It's Not A Nightmare Anymore

짱이뻐! - Thanks to Korean Face Contouring, It's Not A Nightmare Anymore짱이뻐! - Thanks to Korean Face Contouring, It's Not A Nightmare Anymore

I walked around because I got tired of lying down on bed. After 3day, I feel like all the major pain and danger is gone. I’m going home tomorrow, and so excited to take a step forward for my new life. 

I still have the swelling, but when I see my chin which got so small, eating was not important to me. I cannot open my mouth wide, but I’m getting better. Time will heal everything. 

It was first time meeting my friends after surgery, and they were surprised and amazed how I was changed dramatically. They even said they couldn’t recognize me. I was happy to hear that I look pretty.^^ my friends asked If I got nose job done, too. I think my nose look higher than before because my face got smaller.

짱이뻐! - Thanks to Korean Face Contouring, It's Not A Nightmare Anymore

짱이뻐! - Thanks to Korean Face Contouring, It's Not A Nightmare Anymore

짱이뻐! - Thanks to Korean Face Contouring, It's Not A Nightmare Anymore

It’s been a month already. I went to see my grandpa today and I was worried what if he can’t recognize me. And he really thought I was someone else. Keke they were amazed about my face and asked if I had hard time after the surgery. I’m really happy to hear that I got prettier than before. I still have the swelling, but it doesn’t really show that much.

짱이뻐! - Thanks to Korean Face Contouring, It's Not A Nightmare Anymore

Whoever I meet these days, they say I have small face. Which makes me really happy ! My friend from high school didn’t recognize me. It seems like I changed dramatically. When I see myself in the mirror, I can’t really notice the change. But when I see my old face in the photos,,,, I don’t want to think about,, T.T 

I did had a hard time after the surgery but now,, I don’t remember a thing about the surgery except the day of the surgery. It was really hard for me to decide even right before the surgery whether to get it done or not. I’m now more than happy that I got over with my weakness and complex. Little things such as changing hair style, smile in the photos, talk to people when I met for the first time.. I’m not shy anymore and this is truly grateful.

짱이뻐! - Thanks to Korean Face Contouring, It's Not A Nightmare Anymore

Name: Pretty Princess
Surgery: Face Contour, Two Jaw Surgery

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