
[Real Story] Korean Two Jaw Surgery Was The Right Solution For Him

7:30:00 PM

짱이뻐! - Korean Two Jaw Surgery Was The Right Solution For Him

This man’s complex was his long face. It was hard for him to get a job he wanted because of his tired looking and aged face than his real age. He had to cover his mouth like a girl when smiling because his red gums were showing too much.

짱이뻐! - Korean Two Jaw Surgery Was The Right Solution For Him

The other hospital suggested him a V-line surgery. Was this the correct diagnosis?
Long face with malocclusion, Two Jaw Surgery was the solution

짱이뻐! - Korean Two Jaw Surgery Was The Right Solution For Him

Diagnosis after all the medical examination at Wonjin, malocclusion with abnormal center face region and end jaw, wide square jaw and protruded cheekbone, Two Jaw surgery was the only way to solve the problem.

짱이뻐! - Korean Two Jaw Surgery Was The Right Solution For Him

But what if only upper jaw reduction was performed? The length of the face wouldn’t have been reduced, but the balance of the face could have been destroyed and made him look unnatural.

Correction of face contour improved his impression

짱이뻐! - Korean Two Jaw Surgery Was The Right Solution For Him

Wonjin decided to solve the problem with Two Jaw, Cheekbone reduction, and Genio T osteotomy surgeries.Two Jaw Surgery would raise the upper jaw to reduce the size of face, and cut the front chin in T shape to make shorter and slimmer chin.

Reborn to nice and young looking
As a result, the length of his face was reduced amazingly, and became young and bright attractive man.

짱이뻐! - Korean Two Jaw Surgery Was The Right Solution For Him

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