
[Real Story] Get Rid of Wide Nose at Korean Rhinoplasty Specialized Hospital

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짱이뻐! - Get Rid of Wide Nose at Korean Rhinoplasty Specialized Hospital

Plainly looking nostrils and wide nose. Because of her wide nose she was teased, like as if she would blast fire from her nose like a dragon. She wanted to get rid of her strong country looking big face as soon as possible. Korean rhinoplasty specialized hospital, Wonjin Plastic Surgery is the answer.

짱이뻐! - Get Rid of Wide Nose at Korean Rhinoplasty Specialized Hospital

Through complete medical examination result, she had thick skin, wide nose, low nose tip, large frame, and etc. she had multiple problems.
Wonjin didn’t just made her nose smaller they also focused on making it high and classy looking

짱이뻐! - Get Rid of Wide Nose at Korean Rhinoplasty Specialized Hospital

Step 1. Nostril reduction without scar
Nostril reduction surgery simply takes about 30 minutes.But if they reduce too much it might look awkward as if it is pinch with a clip so it must be done by a skilled surgeon.
Wonjin made her nostrils smaller and at the same time made it egg shape face.The incision area is hidden under the boundary of the nostrils so the scar is invisible.

Step 2. Sharp nose and elastic nose tip surgery
For seriously wide nose tips we tied the cartilage to the middle then used the appropriate prostheses to make the nose sharp and used her own cartilage to make her nose tip look high.For the last we used absorptive columella at the nose tip to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

짱이뻐! - Get Rid of Wide Nose at Korean Rhinoplasty Specialized Hospital

We made the outline of her face smaller and soft looking by reducing her cheekbones and square jaw.As a result, we made her face looking balance and classy by making her nose looking solid and sharp.

짱이뻐! - Get Rid of Wide Nose at Korean Rhinoplasty Specialized Hospital

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