
[Get to Know] Korean Face Contouring - Forehead Augmentation

4:45:00 PM

As one of Korean face contouring procedure, Forehead Augmentation is also getting popular these days ampng the face contour Wonjin. The procedure is categorized as simple one, and there are various ways that can be chosen to 'fill' the forehead. There are fat grafting, filler, or implants.

짱이뻐! - Korean Face Contouring - Forehead Augmentation

A forehead that is flat or has sunken bone is given volume. As mentioned it can be inserted through fat grating, filler or forehead implants. At Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea, forehead contouring not only focuses on the middle of the forehead but includes forehead, cheekbone, nose and chin area lines. You can appear younger through this total facial procedure by removing forehead lines and forehead ridges. Usually a small, recessed forehead can give off a manly appearance. In this case, a forehead augmentation will create an attractive appearance.

The fat grafting method is actually recommended for people with bumpy forehead (uneven volume), have flat forehead, want to put only small amount of volume to the forehead, and the most important, they don't want or afraid of implants. The fat used on this Korean face contouring procedure is usually taken from abdomen, thigh or butt, with thin tube, then being extracted before being inserted to the forehead.

As for implants, just like the other Korean face contouring procedure, patient will be needed to come and get a consultation with our specialist to design the implant shape, the modelling of implant is proceeded a week in advance. At the surgery, implant will be inserted through an incision 2-3 cm behind the hairline then the surgical site will be sutured.

짱이뻐! - Korean Face Contouring - Forehead Augmentation

Implant insertion method will be needed for people with uneven volume of forehead or flat forehead but more like having extreme lack of forehead volume. If fat grafting or filler methods will only give you semi-permanent result, this implant will get you permanent volume of forehead. And if you wish to change your forehead shape, implant insertion is the right choice for the forehead augmentation then. 

Then how about filler?
Basically, filler is created from various natural or artificial substances and is inserted into the skin to expand soft tissue. One of the filler usually used to correcting the sunken areas, including forehead is Restylane. Besides, it's also used to reduce wrinkles, elevate nose, expand lips, correct body figure, and improve the volume of sunken face & body parts. It's perfect for you who want to add volume without surgery.

짱이뻐! - Korean Face Contouring - Forehead Augmentation

Before & after of Korean face contouring, forehead augmentation below:

짱이뻐! - Korean Face Contouring - Forehead Augmentation

Look at the interview of Lee Hyun Jung who changed her life after doing Korean face contouring at Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea:

More information can be found here!
Read also: Korean Face Contouring 
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