
[Real Diary] I Wish... Make Your Dream Comes True With Korean Plastic Surgery

10:00:00 AM

짱이뻐! - I Wish... Make Your Dream Comes True With Korean Plastic Surgery

I had so much stress because of my face shape.. T.T wherever I go, my mouth area was covered because I didn’t like it. I had to upload photos of me only after photoshop because of my jaw area. People said the shape of the face will finalize the beauty, which made me more depressed.
All I wish to have was the perfect face shape!! I worried about the price of the surgery and side effects,, but after searching for best hospitals, I finally visited Wonjin. As a was talking with the consultant, I realized ‘this is it! Imma get it done here !’ I did medical examination, arranged the appointment on the same day. I have bumpy cheekbones and long front chin. I’m excited to have smooth cheekbone, and short front chin! See you after the Korean plastic surgery!!!!!

짱이뻐! - I Wish... Make Your Dream Comes True With Korean Plastic Surgery짱이뻐! - I Wish... Make Your Dream Comes True With Korean Plastic Surgery

짱이뻐! - I Wish... Make Your Dream Comes True With Korean Plastic Surgery짱이뻐! - I Wish... Make Your Dream Comes True With Korean Plastic Surgery

Pain, amazed, and feeling happy.. They all got mixed up !! I took the before photo and had final consultation, and changed my clothes for operation. Until then, It really didn’t feel like I’m going to have the surgery done. I was asleep during operation and woke up with hose in my mouth. My face was swollen like a balloon, but I took selfies celebrating myself that I don’t have the long chin anymore. 


It’s been a week already. I went to hospital for stitch out and treatment for anti-swelling injection. I think major swelling is gone because of their good management. , the swelling parts are coming down from my cheekbone area to chin area. It looks like I have candy in my mouth, but I can see that swelling on my face is subsiding! 


Time goes really fast!! It’s been 2 weeks already! I thought the time will never past, but it did ! The swelling went down to my lower jaw and make me look like I have double jaw. But I’m happy about the fact that the bones are gone!

짱이뻐! - I Wish... Make Your Dream Comes True With Korean Plastic Surgery

짱이뻐! - I Wish... Make Your Dream Comes True With Korean Plastic Surgery

짱이뻐! - I Wish... Make Your Dream Comes True With Korean Plastic Surgery

A month past already! I was so excited to meet my friends for the first time after surgery and I was ready 30 minutes ahead.hehe. My friends did not recognized that I got the surgery done and asked how I lost such weight.hehe I didn’t lose weight though,, T.T The faceline isn’t clear to see because of the swelling.

짱이뻐! - I Wish... Make Your Dream Comes True With Korean Plastic Surgery

The time goes so fast!! It’s been already 3 months after the surgeryT.T I’m busy with school works these days,, I made the appointment for operation that day, but did not bring money for deposit. So the consultant kindly arranged the time for me and I transfer the money the next day. It’s been 3 months now, and it feels like except for first two weeks after the surgery, I had no difficulties after then. I still look like I have double jaw, but I know that time will heal everything~ 

Before the surgery, I only thought about getting it done in my mind. But now, 6months past already! The time goes so fast ! Look at my V-line~ I’m gratified with my outcome! Without smooth face line, my lovely eyes, nose and mouth wouldn’t be shown, right? For those of you who are struggling and stressed because of face line, I strongly recommend you! Korean Plastic Surgery, get it done now!!!

짱이뻐! - I Wish... Make Your Dream Comes True With Korean Plastic Surgery

Name: Wish Queen
Surgery: Face Contour

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