
[Get to Know] Korean Rhinoplasty - Nose Tip Correction

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Known as the best plastic surgery clinic located in Seoul, Korea, Wonjin Plastic Surgery offers many kinds of plastic surgeries, from eyes, nose, breast, and face contour even body contour. Under name of Wonjin Beauty Medical Group, Wonjin also provides many medical beauty treatments. Recently, demand to have a nose surgery or usually to be called rhinoplasty, is increasing even surpassing the demand of eyes surgery.

Nose Tip Correction, Blunt Tip Correction, Curved Nose Rhinoplasty, Nostril Reduction, Wide Nose Bridge, Dorsal AugmentationNose Extension, and Nose Revision are the procedures available at Wonjin. And we'll talk about Nose Tip Correction now.

짱이뻐! - Korean Rhinoplasty - Nose Tip Correction

What is nose tip correction? It is a nose job deals with unsatisfactory nose tips, sometimes called as tip rhinoplasty. Nose tip rhinoplasty can change depends on the individual’s nose tip itself.

Nose tip correction is highly recommended for those who are dissatisfied with their current nose tip. Sometimes there are people who had a nose surgery then feel like the nose tip is sunken or they wish to change the shape of the nose tip again. Those people are also welcomed to get their nose done. 

Nose tip rhinoplasty can change depending on an individual’s nose tip. In case of an ideal nose tip, the surgery method can change as follows.

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Nose tip that requires a little correction

This method takes spreas apart cartilage and ties it together.

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Nose tip that requires raising

Your own cartilage and similar materials can be used if the nostril cartilage is not enough to be pulled together.

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Nose tip that requires strengthening

A common procedure to handle an upturned nose, involving placing additional cartilage above the nose tip cartilage to raise it.

Unlike a short nose, an arrowhead nose has a very long septal cartilage or wing flap that droops. This is why the nose can be slimmed just with nose tip correction. Just by injecting filer or cartilage grafting may be useless because the structure of the nose has to be modified.

Take a look at one of Korean rhinoplasty real story!

Read also: Korean Rhinoplasty
More information can be found here!
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