
[Get to Know] Korean Breast Plastic Surgery - Breast Lift

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Breast plastic surgery in Korea is not only about creating full-volume breast but also creating a well-done lifted breast despite the age of the patient. Sagging skin is appearing as people aging, whether it's on you face, or your other part of the body. Furthermore, if a woman has been through pregnancy. Aging and pregnancy could cause a drooping breast because the breast tissue and the skin lose elastic fibers. But don't worry because Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea has the solution for drooping breast.

짱이뻐! - Korean Breast Plastic Surgery - Breast Lift

Breast lift, a procedure of breast plastic surgery in Korea that helps saggy breast to gain back their elasticity and volume at the same time. The procedure is also works for those who lose weight suddenly or for woman who has large breast that went through pregnancy and breastfeeding. Breast lift also can be done together with Breast Reduction, to correct the drooped breast after the surgery. 

Breast lift plastic surgery in Korea at Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea has several methods to be done depends on your breast' drooping level. So before you decided to do the surgery, it's very recommended to have a consultation with both the consultant and the plastic surgeon to know more about your drooping level, through some medical examinations. 

짱이뻐! - Korean Breast Plastic Surgery - Breast LiftThere are three levels of drooping breast. First is Stage A Mastoptosis. In this stage, the nipple is at the level of the line underneath breast or the breast dropped less than 1cm from normal line. People in this stage will only need to do Belody, Breast Augmentation, and Thread Lift. (Read here for explanation about BELODY). Second one is Stage B Mastoptosis. The nipple is drooped about 1-2cm from the line underneath the breast but remains above the lowest stage C level. And last one, Stage C Mastoptosis. The nipple is facing downward because the breast is drooped more than 3cm already from the line underneath the breast. For the case of Stage B and C, it's recommended to do the combination of Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, Belody and Thread Lift. 

Breast Lift at Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea has three incision methods which is chosen based on the breast condition of the patient. For those who has an over-sized breast and would like to retain the potential of breastfeeding, then a vertical incision (Vertical Scar Technique) might be the best option. This method may leave minor scarring after the surgery though. However, plastic surgeons are strongly recommend this method because it shortens the surgery time and could create a less or even no complication occur.

짱이뻐! - Korean Breast Plastic Surgery - Breast Lift

The second one would be an incision at aerola (Inferior Pedicle Technique). This method is strongly recommended for those who has slightly or not-so-over-sized breasts and would like to retain the potential of breastfeeding, also for those who are afraid of leaving scars.

짱이뻐! - Korean Breast Plastic Surgery - Breast Lift

The last method for Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea breast lift, is for those with excessively over-sized and drooped breast and expecting dramatic downsizing of breast, but not very sensitive about scars remaining, called by Complex Incision (Inferior Pedicle Technique). This method is also appropriate for breast that is lacking of elasticity.

짱이뻐! - Korean Breast Plastic Surgery - Breast Lift

More information can be found here!
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  2. A breast lift (mastopexy) is the best way to raise and re-shape the breasts that are going through 'breast ptosis' (or sagging). www.themedspa.us/cosmetic-surgery/breast-lift-surgery.html

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  8. If you want to know more about Breast Lift Surgery then, consult Dr. Ajaya Kashyap and visit- https://www.themedspa.us/breast-lift-surgery.html

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