
[Short Diary] First Is Nose Job Then Fat Grafting

11:00:00 AM

짱이뻐! - First Is Nose Job Then Fat Grafting

I've been living for 25 years, and received a lot of stress because of my blunt nose ㅜㅜ
And finally, I decided to do nose job! I worried if the surgery will go well or not...
But after the surgery, I thought that I wasn't supposed to be worry >.< 
My nose bridge that got higher and my nose that got smaller... ^^
It's been only 2 weeks after the surgery so the swelling has not reduced yet, but it's pretty!

짱이뻐! - First Is Nose Job Then Fat Grafting

At first I only wanted to do my nose but I thought that it would be good to add volume on my forehead so I also added volume on my forehead and chin.
I'm not sure if it's because the volume added but the front line of my face looks even prettier!
Now I'm living while bringing mirror everyday hahaha
I hope all the swelling will reduced soon!
Anyway, Wonjin Plastic Surgery is the best! ^^V

Name: Ms. Goo
Surgery: Rhinoplasty, Anti-aging (Fat Grafting)

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