
[Get to Know] Korean Face Contouring - Cheekbone Reduction

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Wonjin Plastic Surgery Cheekbone Reduction is about fracturing the cheekbone / zygoma and push it back after carefully trimmed and rotated to get rid of the protruded cheekbone, resulting a slimmer and natural face line. Many patients are worried of sagging cheeks that might appears after the surgery but it will only happen if during the surgery, they desquamated the skin too much but didn't fix the bone properly. At Wonjin Plastic Surgery, we don't desquamate skin but we make a little incision inside mouth and fix the front cheekbone as well as side cheekbones. 

짱이뻐! - Korean Face Contouring - Cheekbone Reduction

The cheekbone surgery is well known as a difficult surgery so a very skillful plastic surgeon would be needed to do the surgery. It is very difficult to fix the bone's curved surface accurately so most of plastic surgeons just fix one side's bone or even not fixing them at all, that's what makes the sagging cheeks appear after surgery. Wonjin Plastic Surgery' plastic surgeons do the incision inside mouth and have double fixation to the bone, so there will be no sagging cheek in the future.

Until now there are three generations of Cheekbone Reduction existed at Wonjin Plastic Surgery and here is the latest technology, 4th generation of Cheekbone Reduction, called I-Quick Cheekbone Reduction which provides even more dramatic effect and lifting effect at the same time. The fraction of cheekbone in L shape with minimum incision using 3D HD endoscope pushes it in the bone, allows natural fixation of bone and muscle. 

짱이뻐! - Korean Face Contouring - Cheekbone Reduction
짱이뻐! - Korean Face Contouring - Cheekbone Reduction

According to patients preference, there are three fixation method can be chosen: Natural Adhesion Fixation Method, Fixation Pin Method, and Absorbable Pin Fixation Method. But will it be okay without fixation pin? Yes. It won't break even without fixation pin. There are big muscle, masseter muscle and fat tissues inside cheekbone. I-Quick Cheekbone Reduction Surgery allows a strong natural adhesion of shifted cheekbone with surrounding muscle and fat tissue, which will not move or break even without fixation pin.

With I-Quick Cheekbone Reduction at Wonjin Plastic Surgery, a minimum incision would be made using 3D HD endoscope, allows you to have minimal swelling and bruise, and it means the recovery period is shorter compared to other surgery. So it's really recommended to choose this procedure for those who are concerned about long recovery period. But even though the surgery is fast you still have to check how much know-how the clinic has, or how good the medical team's teamwork is. Meet Wonjin Plastic Surgery's Face Contour Exclusive System and achieve your dream now! 

짱이뻐! - Korean Face Contouring - Cheekbone Reduction

Wonjin Plastic Surgery's I-Quick Cheekbone Reduction is recommended for those who:

  • Have strong facial impression due to protruding cheekbone
  • Have square face line due to protruding of side cheekbone
  • Have big face size and wish to reduce the size
  • Have asymmetric left and right cheekbone size
  • Have shade on face due to big cheekbone
  • Wish fixation pin to be not shown on X-ray
  • Want fast surgery and fast recovery cheekbone reduction surgery

More information can be found here!
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