
[Short Diary] I'm Satisfied With My New 3D And Smaller Face

4:26:00 PM

짱이뻐! - I'm Satisfied With My New 3D And Smaller Face

It's not like I have big face, even sometimes people saying that I have small face, that I'm pretty.. but I kind of having protruded cheekbone and the area around my nose looks a bit sunken.
And since I have protruded cheekbone, when I take photos, my face looks bigger and wider than the actual size. It makes me hate taking photos.
I hate my eastern face shape so much so I tried to wear braces as well but I couldn't see any dramatic effect.

Well, to be honest I'm afraid to put a knife (do the surgery) on my face but I really wanted to do it, so I'm really considering about it a lot.
Then people around me introduced me to Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea, saying that they're good at it. 
I have a lot of friends did plastic surgery and when I asked about it to them also to the other people who know about plastic surgery, they said that Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea is specialist in plastic surgery~

짱이뻐! - I'm Satisfied With My New 3D And Smaller Face

Like that, I trusted Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea and it's 2 weeks after the surgery already..
Just like you can see, my face looks more 3D and smaller compared to before surgery and I'm so satisfied!
And I didn't really feel any pain after the surgery..

I sent my photo after the surgery to my friends, they said that it's been a success, that I'm getting prettier even though all the swelling hasn't reduced yet. They said they wanted to do it too!

Name: Ms. Ahn
Surgery: Face Contour

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