
[Short Diary] Bye Jutting Jaw, Now I Can Live Happily

7:00:00 AM

짱이뻐! - Bye Jutting Jaw, Now I Can Live Happily

I had severe jutting jaw and it makes me uncomfortable while chewing food.
My digestion is not good as well.. even constipation... 
And of course.. I'm not confident meeting people..
So I decided to do the surgery.

This is a surgery I wanted to do so much but I'm still worried about it.
At the same time I'm anticipating my new life after the successful surgery too.
Seems like choosing which hospital to do the surgery is the hardest thing.
Since it's my first time having plastic surgery, I don't know which hospital is the best one, and since two jaw surgery is a big surgery... I didn't know where to go..
Until my girl friends strongly recommended me to Wonjin Plastic Surgery.

So I went to get the consultation...
Well, first, I was surprised for its big scale (turn out that it's a general hospital!)
During the consultation I met three doctors; the head of doctors, doctors from Dental Department, and doctors from Oral Department, and I trust them.
I don't know why but I can feel their systematic system.

짱이뻐! - Bye Jutting Jaw, Now I Can Live Happily

It was so funny looking at my swollen face after the surgery.
And the face contour line appears bit by bit after the swelling is gone.
I can adapt to how to breath as well.
Well, that is the hardest part.. not the pain though...

짱이뻐! - Bye Jutting Jaw, Now I Can Live Happily

I'm really satisfied and living my current appearance well now after 3 months passed.
I gained my confidence and feel more dignified.
Seems like now I can live happily. Thank you!

Name: Mr. Kim
Surgery: Two Jaw Surgery

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