
[Get to Know] Korean Rhinoplasty - Nose Revision

7:22:00 PM

It's normal that you can be dissatisfied with several things after getting a rhinoplasty done and want to revise it again. The nose shape, implant placement, narrow nose tip, movement of implant, deformation of nose, and infection. Revision rhinoplasty requires more precision than regular nose jobs, and thus requires a highly experienced surgeon. In this case, the rhinoplasty specialized hospital, Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic, is here to help you getting what you want.

짱이뻐! - Korean Rhinoplasty - Nose Revision

This Korean rhinoplasty procedure is appropriate for those who:
-    Have a nose that appears crooked
-    Have a nose implant that is visible
-    Have redness on the nose bridge and tip

Rhinoplasty has the highest level of discontent after surgery and thus, the percentage of revision surgeries is also high. Well, due to the nose being centrally located on the face, subtle changes can drastically affect results causing stress. This Korean rhinoplasty revision is even more difficult than the original nose job. Therefore, a thorough consultation with a well experienced surgeon from Korean rhinoplasty specialized hospital is required to determine the cause and proper surgery to address the problem.

Nose job revision required cases
짱이뻐! - Korean Rhinoplasty - Nose Revision
-     The area where the implant resides is slanted or not properly secured
-     An improper shape of implant was used
Revision method
The original implant is removed. Then, the area is properly adjusted and a new implant is placed.

The implant has moved
짱이뻐! - Korean Rhinoplasty - Nose Revision
-     The implant is not completely settled between the bone and periosteum
-     During surgery, the periosteum is torn and the inserted implant is not properly secured.
Revision method
The original implant is removed. Then, the area is properly adjusted and a new implant is placed.

Nose tip change due to implant
짱이뻐! - Korean Rhinoplasty - Nose Revision
-     An overly raised nose bridge
-     Nose tip raised via silicone
-     Skin becoming thinner or pressured
Revision method
Implant as well as cartilage is removed from the nose tip. Then, using cartilage and thick skin the nose tip is reshaped into a more natural look.

Structural issue
짱이뻐! - Korean Rhinoplasty - Nose Revision
-     Inserted implant area becomes stiff and contracts causing the skin to be pulled
-     Untreated postoperative infection
Revision method
First, alleviate all swelling then using nose tip cartilage to the original length and shape. Then nasal septum cartilage is used to reshape the nose tip into a natural look.

Nose bridge being too high
짱이뻐! - Korean Rhinoplasty - Nose Revision
-     Implant is used without fully considering the balance of the face
Revision method
After original implant removal a personalized fitted implant is inserted. For a bridge with little deviation, no implant is needed.

Narrow nose bridge
짱이뻐! - Korean Rhinoplasty - Nose Revision
-     Implant used has short width
-     Skin becomes thin and implant is visible
Revision method
Original implant is removed, and a wider customized implant is inserted. In case of thin skin, Silitex, dermis, fascia, etc can be used to restore original nose thickness.

Drooped nose tip
짱이뻐! - Korean Rhinoplasty - Nose Revision
-     A weak support structure in the nose tip compresses the cartilage of the nose tip.
Revision method
Nasal septum cartilage is used to strengthen and support the nose tip.

So when is the right time to make the revision? It is recommended to do the revision (or the next rhinoplasty procedure) at least 6 months after you have had your recent rhinoplasty. Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea recommends you to get a 'rest' first because hurried decisions can lead to complications, nose jobs revision should only be performed after swelling and other postoperative symptoms have subsided.

Read also: Korean Rhinoplasty
More information can be found here!
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