
[Real Diary] Being Attractive With Korean Rhinoplasty

7:03:00 PM

짱이뻐! - Being Attractive With Korean Rhinoplasty

My cheeks were seriously protruding.. but my nose wasn’t that ugly..
so why did I decide to get Korean rhinoplasty..?
Wouldn’t any guy/girl want to become more handsome and/or prettier?

짱이뻐! - Being Attractive With Korean Rhinoplasty

I am way too swollen... I was pretty flustered so I remember taking frequent walks and applying ice packs on my face. My nose is higher than I thought, but it’s all good. And now my cheek bones feel like they’re smaller so that is amazing.

짱이뻐! - Being Attractive With Korean Rhinoplasty

I went for a check-up after a week. The doctor and nurses told me the surgery came out nicely. 
It felt good to hear that so I took another long walk and applied more ice packs on my face.

짱이뻐! - Being Attractive With Korean Rhinoplasty

At first I looked really bad but now I’m starting to look like a human again. The clinic offers free skin care service if you get facial contouring surgery, and the skin care specialist there said my swelling went down very quickly. I can see in my pictures that it’s getting smaller. Of course I still have a long way to go^^

짱이뻐! - Being Attractive With Korean Rhinoplasty

Everything is getting more natural and it looks like I didn’t even get surgery. My nose needs more time though.
People around me say that my nose has become really natural. Hopefully the swelling will go down more..

짱이뻐! - Being Attractive With Korean Rhinoplasty

People can’t really tell if I don’t tell them about my cheek bones, but I can really spot the difference in pictures. I still need more time for the swelling to all go down. It’s making me curious.

짱이뻐! - Being Attractive With Korean Rhinoplasty

I think my nose is settling in. First it was too much, but now it suits me well.
My nose is unnatural and natural at the same time, in a good way. I can finally take pictures with confidence.

짱이뻐! - Being Attractive With Korean Rhinoplasty

It’s been three months now and it feels like my own nose. The scar underneath my nose is still reddish, and my skin is sensitive. I’m just happy that I became more handsome. 

Name: Aragorn
Age: 28
Surgery: Rhinoplasty, Face Contour

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