
[Real Diary] Becoming A Lingerie Collector After Breast Surgery Wonjin

5:34:00 PM

짱이뻐! - Becoming A Lingerie Collector After Breast Surgery Wonjin

Ever since I was younger I had a particular complex about the size of my breasts. I would wear bras that always had at least 4-5Cm of padding..
I also want to wear attractive swimsuits and lingerie, but instead of the design I always focused on whether padding was present or not.
What a sad reality…With an anxious heart I visited the breast plastic surgery specialized clinic for a consultation. During the consultation all my fears disappeared~ Now I am anxious about how I will appear after my Korean breast plastic surgery~

짱이뻐! - Becoming A Lingerie Collector After Breast Surgery Wonjin

It feels like only yesterday that I was lying on the operating table..
After waking up from the anesthesia my breasts felt heavy~ they were tightly wrapped with bandages^^ On the 2nd day I felt surprisingly refreshed after the hemovac removal. Today is my bandage/dressing removal.
My breasts are now voluminous and shapely! Two birds with one stone~
I am so very very ve~~ry happy!!

짱이뻐! - Becoming A Lingerie Collector After Breast Surgery Wonjin

After one week passed, I could raise my arms high and moving around became more comfortable~ I couldn’t rest for too long though and now it’s back to work! I went home and tried out some decorative swimsuits~ While looking in the mirror a smile came to my faceㅋㅋ I now have breasts that will make others jealous!! I just can’t wait for this summer!

짱이뻐! - Becoming A Lingerie Collector After Breast Surgery Wonjin

I’m not supposed to wear bras with wires yet, but I tried on the C cup bra I bought before surgery. I couldn’t imagine wearing this bra before~ but now my breasts fill it up quite nicely. I’m glad I made this purchase~^___^

짱이뻐! - Becoming A Lingerie Collector After Breast Surgery Wonjin

While showering, I am surprised every time I look in the mirror.
Is this me?~ I find myself staring into the mirror~ It’s so wonderful it makes me happy. I used to look in the mirror and see how flat my chest was and it made me depressed. Now I am so pleased with how I look it makes me giggle.
My breasts feel a bit firm when I touch them but I’m sure they will become much softer in time.

짱이뻐! - Becoming A Lingerie Collector After Breast Surgery Wonjin

It’s already been a month. Among plastic surgeries I heard that breast augmentation has the highest rate of satisfaction. I would have to agree.
If I didn’t have surgery I would have regretted it forever~~ Right before surgery I was worried about what size to choose.
The surgeon recommended a 275cc implant and I am glad he did. If I had settled on the 250cc implant I was thinking about, I would have regretted it!! Definitely doctor knows best!! Summer~~ hurry and arrive!

짱이뻐! - Becoming A Lingerie Collector After Breast Surgery Wonjin

The weather is getting warmer and I am getting happier~ I want it to get hot already~ Right now I wear strapless bras~
In the past, wearing clothes without a bra was something I couldn’t imagine~
Nowadays I can confidently just wear a shirt and walk proud ^^

짱이뻐! - Becoming A Lingerie Collector After Breast Surgery Wonjin

I have been recovering with no problems for 2 months now~ I’m so fortunate~ My range of motion is now back to what it was before surgery.
Maybe it’s because I have been continuously applying ointment but my scars have become fainter~
I think they will disappear before summer arrives~^^ My only regret is not getting this breast plastic surgery and experiencing this happiness sooner! 

짱이뻐! - Becoming A Lingerie Collector After Breast Surgery Wonjin

I have discovered the joy of picking lingerie by the design and not by the amount of padding. ^^
I entered the lingerie store and confidently announced, “Get me a C cup please.” I shopped till I dropped~
This was the feeling I was missing out on~!! I keep repeating this but the more I think about it, I’m so so glad I had breast plastic surgery at Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea~

짱이뻐! - Becoming A Lingerie Collector After Breast Surgery Wonjin

The season I was waiting for..Summer has arrived!!! Wow!!! Those outfits, those swimsuits that I bought and kept for this day!!!!
It’s time to put those clothes on display~ I was cleaning out my closet and placed my low cut tops near the front.
This summer I plan on changing my wardrobe, the clothes I used to wear no longer fit~^^ 

A pleasant event of course~ but my wallet is now oh so empty.

짱이뻐! - Becoming A Lingerie Collector After Breast Surgery Wonjin

These days whenever I go shopping I always get one piece of lingerie~ Today I brought a spotted one home~
I’m excited because it’s summer~ hehe Ah~ I don’t want the summer to end!

짱이뻐! - Becoming A Lingerie Collector After Breast Surgery Wonjin

It’s cold~~so cold. I just hate the cold…shiver shiver shiver That’s why I decided to go someplace warm with my boyfriend!!
The swimsuits and clothes I saved up for this day, I will take them all with me~^^ I want to hurry and go to Seibu~~~

Name: Sujin Oh
Age: 25
Surgery: Breast Surgery

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