
[Real Diary] Got Softer Image After Korean Celebrities Eye Plastic Surgery

6:55:00 PM

짱이뻐! - Got Softer Image After Korean Celebrities Eye Plastic Surgery

I have had a complex about my small and fierce appearing eyes.. Applying smoky makeup was one way to slightly soften my appearance...to lower the corners of my eyes I would apply heavy eyeliner every morning. When I had a date I would apply even more eyeliner…
Now that I think about it, the people around me would always ask, “Why do you go around with such heavy eyeliner? It makes you look stuffy…” these same people want to see me without makeup on. I want to go around with no makeup! but what can I do when this is how I was born…
I know that eye makeup should be done subtly to accent my features, but subtle makeup is just not enough. When I tell how I feel to my friends they tell me to have Korean celebrities eye plastic surgery…I want to cast off photoshop and heavy eye makeup and have natural appearing, attractive eyes~!


While I was resting last night I kept thinking about my surgery and I could not sleep… I thought simply, “everyone is getting double eyelid surgery so why not me?” But…I started getting really anxious. I started thinking about the possible complications and what would happen if my eyes did not improve!! I finally fell asleep around dawn? When I woke up I was in a rush to the clinic and successfully got my surgery~! It hurt more than I anticipated and I began to nag at my mom..One thing I immediately noticed was the corners of my eyes became lowered! I thought to myself,
“I should have gone through this sooner, then I would have been over this pain and discomfort that much earlier.” Right now I have stitches and  some swelling remaining but when everything settles down I will become prettier, right? I can’t wait~

짱이뻐! - Got Softer Image After Korean Celebrities Eye Plastic Surgery

I haven’t got my stitches removed yet~~I even have bruises around my eye…Nevertheless, don’t you think my complexion has become softer?
I want to see the shape of my eyes without stitches. I keep looking at the mirror and my younger brother tells me to quit looking. He asks me if
I keep looking, will it reduce my swelling. Even though they are swollen, I am amazed at how my eyes have changed~! I want to hurry and recover…

짱이뻐! - Got Softer Image After Korean Celebrities Eye Plastic Surgery

짱이뻐! - Got Softer Image After Korean Celebrities Eye Plastic Surgery

I think most of my bruises and big swollen areas are gone. I remember thinking before this Korean celebrities eye plastic surgery that I really wanted eyes like IU’s..
I think my eyes now resemble hers, right?^^;;; It’s been a week and I got my stitches removed. I heard I could apply light makeup now and decided to go out. I told some friends about my plans to have surgery but I didn’t tell all of them. I went to meet them and they only wondered if I changed my make up style~~ They complimented me by saying I look much better with subtle makeup. I told them actually I had double eyelid surgery~~ and they were so surprised! Hehe they told me it looks natural and beautiful! I was already feeling satisfied on the inside but when my friends complimented me, I was even happier. 

I hope it heals well~~ I want to continue these happy days.

짱이뻐! - Got Softer Image After Korean Celebrities Eye Plastic Surgery

It’s only been 2 weeks but my eyes look very natural~~ I was more concerned with how my eyes would heal and was worried about my double eyelids coming undone. But, my eyes are healing well and my appearance has definitely become softer~~ Applying makeup is not a problem, but when I remove it I take extra special care. It never hurts to be careful, right? When I take a self-picture my eyes appear much cuter now and I feel so happy~~ My eyes even look bigger after applying makeup! My friends tell me I look much better with less makeup, all these compliments make me so content.^^ After one month, my eyes should heal firmly in place. I wonder how I will appear then~~~

짱이뻐! - Got Softer Image After Korean Celebrities Eye Plastic Surgery

Time sure goes by fast, it’s already been one month. My scars have healed~~ I apply eyeliner however I want…
I even go out often with no makeup. I could not have imagined this before having surgery. I feel fine going out with just sun cream, and now that my trademark ‘smoky makeup’ is gone my friends say I’ve become much cuter. I’ve heard that some people who had double eyelid surgery can have scars, but thankfully I don’t. When I meet people I haven’t seen in awhile and, I don’t tell them about my surgery they don’t notice!
I am so fortunate my eyes are healing well.^^ When I think about what I went through right after surgery.. not able to go out because of my swollen eyes..the pain and discomfort while healing… and I look at how lovely my eyes have become now, it was totally worth it! After improving the way my eyes look, I want to get other surgeries…I’m getting greedy~~ even though I shouldn’t.
I look much better with just double eyelid surgery, right? I’m so satisfied ^^

짱이뻐! - Got Softer Image After Korean Celebrities Eye Plastic Surgery

짱이뻐! - Got Softer Image After Korean Celebrities Eye Plastic Surgery

Already two months! I wonder if it’s normal for eyes to be done healing after two months? My eyes look and feel so natural, I feel like I am all healed! I’m used to having bigger eyes now too.
My “before surgery” picture and “now picture” comparison! If you take a glance at the two, you probably can’t see any difference.
However, in my “before surgery” I would like to point out that my eyes had heavy makeup on~~especially eyeliner… My eyes have become wider and prettier after surgery. I still really like eye makeup, but now I can subtly apply it and still look youthful. Due to my wearing eye makeup and  contact lenses often, it was really hard to keep from rubbing my eyes after surgery. Now I rub them just a bit? I am happy with my results ^^ 

짱이뻐! - Got Softer Image After Korean Celebrities Eye Plastic Surgery

Nobody can tell I had surgery. The shape of my eyes have become much softer and everyone around me says I have puppy-like eyes.
After experiencing such good results with Lateral canthoplasty, now I want to try epicanthoplasty!
My friends who had similar surgery did not have noticeable results. Therefore, I had some doubts before going to my consultation.
However, the head surgeon was so warm and compassionate about my troubles I could trust him and went through with the surgery!
Thank you Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea for softening my fox-like eyes. Love y’all♥ 
Goodbye days of wearing heavy makeup! My image has been made over and I have gained confidence. Each and every day is a delight~ 

Name: Cute Eyes
Age: 26
Surgery: Eye Surgery, Rhinoplasty

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