
[Real Diary] Preparing To Be A Model With Korea Plastic Surgery

7:00:00 AM

짱이뻐! - Preparing To Be A Model With Korea Plastic Surgery

I'm afraid yet anticipating to the Korea plastic surgery at the same time. 
What I'm thinking the most is while I'm on the operation table??! ^^;;;;
And since it'll be hard for me to eat after the surgery, I keep eating right after the consultation! ㅠ_ㅠ
I was on diet though...
But I will eat what I want to eat!!
2 days left till the Korea plastic surgery..
It's not like I'll be going to the military service but I'm counting days...;;

짱이뻐! - Preparing To Be A Model With Korea Plastic Surgery

It's been a week after the Korea plastic surgery!
The pain is reducing fast, but I still feel tingling on my lower jaw~~
Finally the cast on my nose will be removed! 
I'm anticipating it a lot yet nervous, I keep thinking about this and that.
Since it's been a week already, now I can wash my hair by myself, and if before I can only put 1 or 1,5 of my finger to my mouth, now I can put 2 of them.
I wish the stitch inside my mouth will be removed soon! ^^

짱이뻐! - Preparing To Be A Model With Korea Plastic Surgery

2 weeks after the Korea plastic surgery and now the stitch inside my mouth is allowed to be removed!
I don't feel uncomfortable with my daily life, and it feels like I'm on diet!
The swelling is reducing fast now and people around me are saying, "You're getting more handsome!", "Your nose looks good!" and it makes me happy to hear some praise like that.
Now the swelling on my face is all left, after it reduced, my face size will look even smaller.

짱이뻐! - Preparing To Be A Model With Korea Plastic Surgery

It's been a month now! I'm getting comfortable in eating and I've been used to it now.
Even though the swelling is reducing a lot than the first time, if I took photo, it can be seen that some are still left.
But now I can start to work and it didn't affect my daily activity, just that I eat slower than before? ^^
Personally I'm really satisfied with the result of Korea plastic surgery and feels like my dream as a model will be accomplished! 
It feels like all the preparation are done?
Now I just have to manage it well!

짱이뻐! - Preparing To Be A Model With Korea Plastic Surgery

Time flies fast! It's been 3 months after my Korea plastic surgery. 
I've been comfortable with the condition since a month after the surgery but after 3 months, it's definitely makes me forget that I had Korea plastic surgery, I'm really used to it! Just like my face was mine even before.
My nose is also okay if it's moved a bit to the side. 
My jaw is also comfortable now to be opened and to eat or chew food. 
Also the line is so good!
My eyes look deeper as my my nose bridge is getting higher and people say that I look like foreigner. 
It was really a good decision to do the surgery!

짱이뻐! - Preparing To Be A Model With Korea Plastic Surgery

Name: Mr. Kim
Surgery: Rhinoplasty, Face Contour, Eye Plastic Surgery

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