
[Get to Know] Korean Rhinoplasty - Nostril Reduction

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Beautiful nose is not all about nose bridge or nose tip but also including other nose part like nostril. Enlarged nostrils or wide appearing nostrils can give nose an unrefined look. At Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea, you can make your nose even more attractive through a Nostril Reduction nose job, which is good to be done by people with flat appearing nose (due to wide nostrils), people who have arrowhead nose, people who are dissatisfied with their current nose shape, and people with wide appear nose tip.

짱이뻐! - Korean Rhinoplasty - Nostril Reduction

Generally, when nostrils are wide, the ala nasi will also protrude laterally. Despite the proper height and protrusion of the nose, the wide nostrils and affiliated ala nasi may display a flatter and bulbous nose. Nostril Reduction at Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea only took for about 30 minutes to be done but through this nose job procedure, the width of the nostrils are reduced and then it will be shaped for greater overall balance.

Nostril Reduction at Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea is done by making an intranasal incisions on the nostrils sills to eliminate the issues of visible scars, so you don't have to worry as it will be faded after 2 months.

Nostril Reduction procedure at Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea:
1. Wide Ala Nasi
It's applicable for all cases. The base of the ala is cut and then the width of the nostrils are shortened. Once again, the incision line of Nostril Reduction at Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea is not visible because it is hidden under the nasal sills.

짱이뻐! - Korean Rhinoplasty - Nostril Reduction짱이뻐! - Korean Rhinoplasty - Nostril Reduction

2. Large and Wide Nostrils
For a nose with large nostrils only, the base of the nostrils is removed and each side of the nose is tied together with a thread. The nose tip is shaped while the nostrils are pulled together.

짱이뻐! - Korean Rhinoplasty - Nostril Reduction짱이뻐! - Korean Rhinoplasty - Nostril Reduction

Take a look at the videos about Korea Rhinoplasty (Nose Job/Nose Surgery) at Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea!

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