[Short Diary] From A Normal Cute Face To A Feminine Cute Baby Face

6:13:00 PM

짱이뻐! - From A Normal Cute Face To A Feminine Cute Baby Face

Single eyelid is popular these days and if you look at the media or TV, it's a generation to emphasize the characteristic of people's face so until now I never thought of having Korea plastic surgery..
And what makes me never thought about it before is that I really hate hospital and I'm afraid of it, because of it I'm taking care of myself a lot..
What makes me decided to do Korea plastic surgery? Nothing special to be honest.. just after quitting from my work, I just take a look at my face, and maybe a greed of woman (?) so I decided to do the consultation right away~!

At first I got a consultation through online (without even knowing if Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea is good or not) and I really want to make it not obvious, make it natural which suits my face well, and make me even prettier.
Then I got to visit the hospital and had consultation again, and because of my simple mind I decided to make a reservation right away after the surgery.

짱이뻐! - From A Normal Cute Face To A Feminine Cute Baby Face

What I want to praise is that even you don't have to say it, it's safe, I can trust them, the technology is good, and the plastic surgeon is a specialist.
And what I want to be proud of is that they're giving us consultation and satisfaction based on our face features..
I only wanted to be natural, not obvious, and be prettier, and I'm satisfied!
At first I only wanted to do Epicanthoplasty though.. I wasn't greedy about Korea plastic surgery....

짱이뻐! - From A Normal Cute Face To A Feminine Cute Baby Face

Reaction from people around me?
It just suits my face well, they said!! They all praise me!
I don't know what to say anymore.
I just want to say that this hospital has good after care treatment after the surgery, all related to pain, they manage and give service well!

It's been a month after the surgery~
It's almost natural, it's a pity I didn't do it when I was younger.. ㅠㅠ

짱이뻐! - From A Normal Cute Face To A Feminine Cute Baby Face

If I have to give review for my face, from just a normal cute face it turns into a feminine cute baby face?
Thank you very much for the confidence and for the comfortable service~ ^^

Name: Ms. Kim
Surgery: Eye Plastic Surgery

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