
[Short Diary] Born Again Prettily With Eyelid Surgery Korea

10:40:00 AM

짱이뻐! - Born Again Prettily With Eyelid Surgery Korea

My eyes was small even since I was a kid, I even tried to use double eyelid tape and that kind of stuff but it was so uncomfortable and it made my eyes even sagging, it bothered me a lot, so I get myself to visit Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea and got a consultation, they were so nice and said that I'll be prettier, they encouraged me.

Like that I got my eyelid surgery Korea at Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea and I'm so satisfied!
The plastic surgeon designed my eyelid in detail, and I'm really satisfied with the result now!
I don't know if my eyes condition was severe so I needed to get blepharoptosis though...

짱이뻐! - Born Again Prettily With Eyelid Surgery Korea

After got treated for the blepharoptosis, it doesn't mean that my eyes will be bigger or changing drastically but people are saying that after the eyelid surgery Korea, my impression is getting smoother and that I look like a foreigner? Haha.
The swelling, I was suffered a bit because of it but seeing the difference on my eyes day by day made me feel great!
My parents also like the result!!

짱이뻐! - Born Again Prettily With Eyelid Surgery Korea

Even after the eyelid surgery Korea, the consultant contacted me if I'm okay and greeted me, I'm thankful for that.
Now I really like to take selca!!!
Well, I'm also thankful to the plastic surgeon who made me born again prettily! *^^*

Name: Ms. Kang
Surgery: Eye Plastic Surgery

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