
[Get to Know] Korean Breast Plastic Surgery - Microthane Implant

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Known as the premium breast implants, Motiva and Microthane is the newest premium breast implant with bunch of advantages compared to the previous implants used, which can be chosen at breast surgery specialized clinic, Wonjin Plastic Surgery. 

Korean Breast Plastic Surgery - Microthane Implant

One of the important thing to be focused for a breast augmentation or breast enhancement is that the plastic surgeons have to be skillful enough to minimized the number of complications. But it's not only about the plastic surgeons but also the material of implant used. The most common complication of breast implant is capsular contracture - a response of the immune system to foreign materials in the human body - but now you don't have to worry about it anymore. Microthane Premium Breast Implant has been developed to minimize the rate or capsular contracture to 0-3% compared to other implant that up to 50%.

Not only reducing the risk of capsular contracture, Microthane Premium Breast Implant also has been proved to reduce implant dislocation and rotation as well. And since its base was made by 5 layers (3 smooth layers, 1 roughen layer, and 1 PU foam), it has strong surface that prevents the implants gel getting out to the body. It won't even broke even you do extreme sports or move severely. Some tests were done to Microthane Premium Breast Implant to prove its strength.

Korean Breast Plastic Surgery - Microthane Implant

1. Fatigue Test
Fatigue Test was done by checking the dynamic forces working on the implants in the chest of jogging woman. We do up to 34 million cycles (the standard is 2 million cycles) and this corresponds to a weekly mileage of 180 km over a period of 10 years or a weekly mileage of 10 km over a period of 180 years. 

2. Static Rupture Test
Static Rupture Test was done by checking the burst strength by putting the implant on a plate and it has no problem even it's been given up to 500 kg pressure. 

3. Impact Test
Impact Test is checking the impact of 4,4 kg object that vertically fell to the implant. The implant will be okay even if it's been hit by impact just like a traffic accident in 45 km/hour in condition not wearing seat belt.

Microthane Premium Breast Implant at Wonjin Plastic Surgery also are better protected against capsular contracture for up to 10 years after the implantation. Which also make the average period until the re-operation of the implant also longer compared to the Smooth or Textured implants. The implant is safe and can adapt well with your body, so in short period, you can even go back to your daily activities. All the advantages of Microthane Premium Breast Implant combined drastically reduce the total complication rate for the breast implant surgery patient.

Korean Breast Plastic Surgery - Microthane Implant

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