
[Short Diary] Now I Have No Complex About My Eyes Anymore

3:33:00 PM

짱이뻐! - Now I Have No Complex About My Eyes Anymore

My monolid eyes were my complex before, I really envy them who have double eyelid eyes.
While surfing through internet, I found Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea and I had consultation there.
The consultant was so nice and that way, I decided to do the double eyelid plastic surgery.

짱이뻐! - Now I Have No Complex About My Eyes Anymore

It's been only 3 weeks after the double eyelid surgery but the line is clear and natural, I feel good for it. 
The swelling are all almost gone too.
Beside the double eyelid surgery, I also do epicanthoplasty, and it doesn't look overdone.
Now that I have no complex about my eyes anymore, I became more confident.
And I will introduce Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea if people around me ask me about this eye plastic surgery.
Thank you so much!

Name: Ms. Kim
Surgery: Eye Plastic Surgery

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