
[Short Diary] Look Younger Just Like What I Wanted

2:37:00 PM

짱이뻐! - Look Younger Just Like What I Wanted

Since my early 20s, I sometimes hear that people said that  I look older than my actual age and it made me stressed a lot. 
When I said that I'm 21 years old, they said that I look like 25 years old, once I worked and was 24 years old, they said that I look like early 30s.. it hurts me ㅠ

My side cheekbone is kind of big so during summer, I can't even cut my bang, when I applied make-up, I always worried that I'll look older.. When I lose weight, the cheekbone even looks stick out more.. any my square jaw... I just can't...

짱이뻐! - Look Younger Just Like What I Wanted

Then one day I found X Cafe on internet and seeing people becoming prettier everyday, it made me wanted to do it as well.. 
Can I look younger? Can I be prettier? 
I asked people about the surgery and most of them answered that they did it at Wonjin Plastic Surgery!

짱이뻐! - Look Younger Just Like What I Wanted

When I got consulted there, the doctor and the consultant were so nice and listened to my problem really well and it made me trust them and comfortably decided to do the surgery.

It's been 20 days after the surgery, the swelling on my cheek hasn't been reduced all yet but people around me said that I became younger and my face is getting smaller.. I feel good!
My roommate said that she also wants to do it as well ^_^

Name: Ms. Moon
Surgery: Two Jaw Surgery

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