
[Short Diary] Satisfying Result After Korean Face Contouring Surgery

3:46:00 PM

짱이뻐! - Satisfying Result After Korean Face Contouring Surgery

I had a square jaw face before the Korean face contouring surgery, I worried how much will my face shape change, if my face will be smaller, but at the same time I was curious about it as well.

짱이뻐! - Satisfying Result After Korean Face Contouring Surgery

But now, 6 months after Korean face contouring surgery, I'm so satisfied and I couldn't even count how many times I look at the mirror and amazed about it.
I really like that I could see the effect, bigger than I thought it would be.
Thanks to the doctor who is still checking my condition in detail even after the Korean face contouring surgery.

Name: Ms. Lee
Surgery: Face Contour

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