
[Short Diary] This Is Why I Decided To Do Two Jaw Plastic Surgery in Korea

3:00:00 PM

짱이뻐! - This Is Why I Decided To Do Two Jaw Plastic Surgery in Korea

Since long time ago, I had a long face and the jaw is not even match so it's really hard for me to even eat.
I don't know if it's because of the face shape but there are a lot of people who think that I'm much older than my actual age and it makes me feel bad and upset for more than 20 years...

짱이뻐! - This Is Why I Decided To Do Two Jaw Plastic Surgery in Korea

It was a firm decision to do the two jaw plastic surgery in Korea as two jaw surgery is a difficult surgery to be done.
It was hard for me to adapt after the surgery and I kept thinking when will I'm be able to adapt, and now as 3 months passed after the plastic surgery in Korea, I'm living and adapting well.

짱이뻐! - This Is Why I Decided To Do Two Jaw Plastic Surgery in Korea

The sense on my jaw is back bit by bit after 3 months and it's getting comfortable.
I feel good about the reaction from people around me!
They said that it's done really well and I'm becoming prettier, and some of them also wanted to do it ^^
It was not an easy decision but I'm really satisfied with the result!

Name: Ms. Won
Surgery: Two Jaw Surgery

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