
[Short Diary] Proved What People Say About Wonjin Beauty Medical Group

5:29:00 PM

짱이뻐! - Proved What People Say About Wonjin Beauty Medical Group

I did eye plastic surgery at Wonjin Beauty Medical Group~~
I went to the hospital after gathered enough money from part time job which I did for the first time in my life haha
A friend really recommended me to Wonjin Beauty Medical Group so I got consultation right away and reserved the date!
Well, I wasn't really worry actually as there are so many people did eye plastic surgery..
And.. since my eyes was my complex.. haha 

짱이뻐! - Proved What People Say About Wonjin Beauty Medical Group

I met my friends a week after the eye surgery at Wonjin Beauty Medical Group and they all said that the swelling are reducing a lot and praised that the surgery went really well!
At first I thought that everyone who did eye surgery will have the swelling all reduced in a week and never thought that I was fast-reducing type though..
The swelling is reducing soon and even faster after the stitch on my epicanthoplasty is removed~
What I hear a lot recently is "It's so natural, it suits you well" haha
Now I know that what people say about Wonjin Beauty Medical Group is good at eye plastic surgery is not a lie, and I'm also recommending Wonjin Beauty Medical Group to my friends who have problem with their eyes hahaha
Thanks to all staffs who are very nice, and thanks a lot to the doctor who performed the surgery well *_*

Name: Ms. Kim
Surgery: Eye Plastic Surgery

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