
[Get to Know] Korean Eye Plastic Surgery - Double Eyelid Surgery

6:22:00 PM

As we all know, double eyelid surgery is the most popular plastic surgery, in this case Korean eye plastic surgery, beside love band surgery. Many people want to have double eyelid just like Korean celebrities and they would go to the eye plastic surgery specialized hospital to get their eyes done. Wonjin Plastic Surgery, as Korean best eye plastic surgery clinic also has so many people that want to do this Korean double eyelid surgery.

짱이뻐! - Korean Eye Plastic Surgery - Double Eyelid Surgery

Korean double eyelid surgery, also known as the ‘pinch method’ where Wonjin also has a special method, that leaves no scar and decreases the probability of requiring a revision surgery in the future. Korean best eye plastic surgery clinic, Wonjin, has 3 methods available to be performed depends on the eye condition and patient's needs. There are Non-Incision method, Partial Incision method and Full Incision method.

Non-Incision method is perfect for those who want double eyelid but afraid of incision. With this non-incision method, the scars left possibility is so small and the swelling period is kind of short. That's why this method is preferred by many people. Furthermore, the result of this method is fast and can gives you a natural appearance. But, you have to know that this method is only available for people with very think eyelid. 

People with thicker eyelid can also choose Non-Incision Natural Adhesive method, where the firmness of stitches and skin adhesion makes thick and deep double eyelid lines. This is highly recommended for those who would like to get a well defined double eyelid lines.

Korean best eye plastic surgery can also be done by Partial Incision method. This method involves making a tiny incision and removing excess fat and muscle tissues. The eyelids containing excess fat and muscles undergoing non-incision method may come undone, that's why this method is recommended for those with excessive fat on eyes. The double eyelid made with this method is long lasting, with minimal scarring and swelling. People who need a revision surgery after having a non-incision surgery also recommended to have this method done.

짱이뻐! - Korean Eye Plastic Surgery - Double Eyelid Surgery

Last, would be Full Incision method. This is the most common form of Korean double eyelid surgery and also known as Asian eyelid surgery. This Korean best eye plastic surgery method involves removal of excess fat from the eyelid through incisions. This method is of course harder than the other two so that it must be performed with expert skill to decrease the scarring, swelling, and revision possibility. But, this is the method that creates permanent double eyelid and can be done in all types of eyes.

짱이뻐! - Korean Eye Plastic Surgery - Double Eyelid Surgery

Remember that not the size of eyes which is important in Korean eye plastic surgery but the proportional, the golden ratio of the face itself.

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