
[Short Diary] Getting Satisfied More And More After Plastic Surgery Korea

2:00:00 PM

짱이뻐! - Getting Satisfied More And More After Plastic Surgery Korea

Since long time ago, my eyes are sagging and I couldn't do anything about it, until a friend of mine had a Korea face contour surgery as well as brow lift at Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea, and she's really beautiful and she looks younger than her real age.
So I also encourage myself to go to the hospital after got introduced.

짱이뻐! - Getting Satisfied More And More After Plastic Surgery Korea

It's been 3 weeks after the surgery and I'm really satisfied with the result.
I believe that I'll be even more satisfied as time pass by.
Thank you!

Name: Mrs. Kang
Surgery: Eye Plastic Surgery

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