
[Short Diary] 10 Years Younger With Wonjin Plastic Surgery Lifting

4:00:00 PM

짱이뻐! - 10 Years Younger With Wonjin Plastic Surgery Lifting

2 days before D-Day!
Half anticipating, half worried..
I was scared but then I decided to trust as I'm doing it at the best plastic surgery hospital!
I'll leave it to them while keep imagining the result!
I'll wait the result with a happy feeling~~^^

짱이뻐! - 10 Years Younger With Wonjin Plastic Surgery Lifting

I didn't want to overdo it, and I wanted to be younger with a bit high-class (?) feeling..
And it's a relieve that I got what I want!
I was a bit worried if the result is too obvious though~
But like this, I can be younger without being too obvious.. and be sophisticated..
People around me are in a fuzz haha

짱이뻐! - 10 Years Younger With Wonjin Plastic Surgery Lifting

I got greedy so I had a second round of fat grafting last week.
The result can be seen clearly right?
I like it because it looks 3D and solid ^^
People I know said that it looks like I'm 10 years younger~ haha
Thank you for doing doing it prettily~ ^^ 

Name: Mrs. Park
Surgery: Anti-aging

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