
[News/Media] Wonjin Beauty Medical Group Familiarization Tour for Korea Association of Plastic & Aesthetic Surgery

4:49:00 PM

짱이뻐! - Wonjin Beauty Medical Group Familiarization Tour for Korea Association of Plastic & Aesthetic Surgery

Wonjin Beauty Medical Group Familiarization Tour for Korea Association of Plastic & Aesthetic Surgery - About 100 concerned visitors from China of Korea Beauty Industry Society have visited Wonjin Beauty Medical Group.
Many people around the world visit Wonjin Beauty Medical Group to experience the advanced plastic surgery technology and to find the trend of plastic surgery.

End of April in 2016, about 100 beauty industry personnel, including plastic surgeons from China have visited Korea to experience the outstanding plastic surgery clinic hosted by Korea Association of Plastic & Aesthetic Surgery. Among numerous clinics in Korea, they chose to visit Wonjin Beauty Medical Group. The purpose of this visit was to share the excellent facilities and the management system of the plastic surgery industry in Korea and it was overcrowded that visitors had to be divided into teams for familiarization tour around the clinic. 

The familiarization tour started off with the introduction of Wonjin Beauty Medical Group by introducing Wonjin Dermatology, Anti-aging Center, Body Line Center, Medinent (Permanent) Center, and Dental Clinic to introduce Wonjin’s Total Beauty System. Chinese visitors were surprised by the scale of Wonjin Beauty Medical Group and discussed about future cooperation regarding Chinese market of Korea Beauty Industry.
*Korea Association of Plastic & Aesthetic Surgery is founded to support the overseas expansion of customer acquisition and foreign cosmetic beauty care industry and strengthen the network of related organizations, dispatch Korea's top surgeons to influential hospitals abroad in order to support the exchange expansion of the best plastic surgery specialists.


[full credits to Wonjin Official Website]

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