----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before and After (D+90days) Photos of Korean Plastic Surgery at Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Surgery: Eye Plastic Surgery ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before and After (D+90days) Photos of Korean Plastic Surgery at Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Surgery: Eye Plastic Surgery ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before and After (D+90days) Photos of Korean Plastic Surgery at Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Surgery: Eye Plastic Surgery (Non-Incision Double Eyelid Surgery)...
[Short Diary] Korea Plastic Surgery Made Me 120% Satisfied Of My Side Profile
Korean Eye Plastic Surgery 5:00:00 PM Before I did an eye plastic surgery as well as nose surgery 10 years ago but since I did my eyes through non-incision method, it's all loosen now, and for nose, I only put silicon back then and it's crooked so I finally decided to do a revision surgery. What makes me want to do the revision surgery as soon as possible is...
When winter arrives in Korea, icy cold winds come with it. However, no matter how cold, there are certain sports that can only be enjoyed during the winter season. For instance, hiking spectacularly snow-capped mountains, camping under the glittery winter stars, and of course skiing and snowboarding, which are the highlight of winter sports. Skiers from around the world are attracted to Korea's...
[Short Diary] I Had Nose Job Plastic Surgery At Wonjin Plastic Surgery
Korean Rhinoplasty 3:18:00 PM Before Since I was a kid, I had a wide and flabby, even short nose as a complex. But then my sister and her friend had a nose job plastic surgery here (at Wonjin Plastic Surgery) and seeing the result, it was so pretty and I decided to get a consultation. I came to Wonjin Plastic Surgery at Seoul from Busan and had...
The Brand New Dr.JIN, is a Korean cosmetic, a skin care, a product launched by Wonjin Bio Healthcare for people who suffer from skin trouble and desire to have a healthy and radient skin, a total care made based one the scientific research, accumulated skill an experience from Wonjin Clinic (Wonjin Beauty Medical Group). Dr.JIN is basically a brand new home peeling product,...
Before My nose, forehead and cheekbone.. were the reason why I was stressed a lot since long time ago, and finally I did (plastic surgery) it. Before doing the facial plastic surgery, because of my crooked nose and protruded cheekbone, every time I took photo, my impression was too strong, rude, looked like a country girl, and since I don't have any volume...
Before Since I was a kid, I received stress a lot because of my big cheekbone and square face line, every time I took a photo, and at the end, I decided to Korea face contouring. I went to several plastic surgery clinics and had interest a lot at Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea, the consultant was so nice and I decided...
[News/Media] Academic Exchange Conference Hosted At Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea
News and Media 3:34:00 PM Academic Exchange Conference With Dr. Johan Nordquist & Motiva Representatives Hosted At Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea. On the 21st of October, we were hosts to Dr. Johan Nordquist (Dr Johan) and representative members from the world's most premium breast implant company, MOTIVA, for an academic exchange at Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea. Dr. Johan, a world-distinguished mammoplasty surgeon and MOTIVA's representatives...