
[Get to Know] Korean Rhinoplasty - Otorhinolaryngology

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Korean rhinoplasty functional surgery is referred to as Otorhinolaryngology surgery, wherein Wonjin Plastic Surgery’s ENT specialists and plastic surgery specialists collaborate in order to correct both internal structure (functional) and aesthetic aspects (cosmetic) of the nose at the same time. 

With over 20 years of experience in the Rhinoplasty field, Wonjin Plastic Surgery is now equipped with a collaborative center of plastic surgery and ENT department, and thus patients can effectively seek both functional (nasal congestion) and cosmetic resolutions (deviation) customized for each individual’s nasal conditions.

Deviated Nasal Septum
Deviated nasal septum refers to a case wherein the septal cartilage is crooked to one side, causing functional disorders such as nasal congestion and obstruction. Since the septal cartilage serves as a pillar that balances the bridge and separates the nostrils, slight crookedness can lead to extreme discomforts.

Causes of Deviated Nasal Septum:
1. Nasal trauma due to injury 
2. Congenital factors 
3. Acquired after child delivery

Rhinitis (Nasal Congestion)
Rhinitis is a disease wherein the nasal mucous membrane covering the nasal cavity is inflamed, resulting to symptoms such as excessive nasal discharge, nasal congestion, sneezes, itchiness etc.

Causes of Rhinitis (Nasal Congestion): 
1. Chronic rhinitis due to congenital reasons 
2. Allergic rhinitis (Symptoms due to inflow of pollen, molds, animal fur, etc. to respiratory the system) 
3. Hypertrophic rhinitis (Symptoms due to nasal structural deformity) 
4. Vasomotor rhinitis (Symptoms due to overreaction of the nasal mucous membrane

Chronic Sinusitis
Paranasal cavity refers to a hollow space within the facial bone along the nose area. However, clogging up of this paranasal cavity results to improper ventilation and excretion of these inflammatory secretions, a state of chronic sinusitis.

Causes of Chronic Sinusitis: 
1. Complications acquired due to flu 
2. Structural, physiological disorders 
3. Repeated and long-term sinusitis 
4. Congenital factors 
5. Allergies

Nasal Valve Stenosis (Valve Reconstruction)
Nasal valve is located on the upper part of the septum, and it is a core area which controls the breathing. Therefore, even slight stenosis can lead to extreme nasal congestion. Valve reconstruction surgery enlarges the narrowed valve through an anatomical approach.

Causes of Nasal Valve Stenosis: 
1. Deviated nasal septum and nasal bridge 
2. Chronic sinusitis 
3. Rhinitis 
4. Malignant tumor 
5. Flat nasal bridge 
6. Frequent nose jobs 
7. Septal perforation

Those four mentioned above are the most cases found for Korean rhinoplasty functional surgery. The method of the surgery itself will be chosen based on each individual's problem and condition. Where patients can discuss it with the plastic surgeon first before proceeding to the surgery.

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