[Real Diary] Diary Of The Best Two Jaw Surgery In Korea

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Diary of the best two jaw surgery in Korea.

I work as an actor in the Korean arts theater troupe.
I learned how to express my honest feelings to others by participating in arts and cultural activities. 
Moreover, I was able to realize the values and the importance of each individual through theatrical performances.
From then on, I began to take interest on what self-love and self-value was, and started to see the external flaws within myself. 
What I wanted was to continuously develop myself into various fields. 
My ultimate goal in life is to become a person who is beautiful both on the inside and the outside. 

It’s 1~2days before the surgery and lots of thoughts are just bombarding my head right now. 
The biggest thought that just popped in is… the video of best two jaw surgery in Korea procedure that I watched on facebook. 
The surgery reviews that I read from naver made me imagine the procedures that I will be going through, and I’ve never seen myself nervous this much. 

And I found out that most of the reviews appealed on the difficulties with food restraints…
Guess I’ll have to eat all I want before the surgery.
How can I spend 4 days in the hospital? 
Well, most of the reviews didn’t mention pain, so I’ll probably have to prepare something entertaining like watch movies or read books to get myself out of boredom.
Uhm..I was quite healthy all my lifetime and this is my first time to be hospitalized. 
Cheers to all staffs in Wonjin Plastic Surgery and those who are revering from the surgery. 

짱이뻐! - Diary Of The Best Two Jaw Surgery In Korea

I just couldn’t fall asleep thinking about the best two jaw surgery in Korea all throughout the night. 
After few minutes of standby, I changed in to the hospital gown and lie down on the operating table. 
The surgeon attached the respirator on my mouth and told me to inhale. 
When I opened my eyes, the operation was over and I was sitting down in the recovery room. 

The biggest difficulty for me then was when the doctor told me to wake up from anesthesia and I was too sleepy to do so. 
After I woke up, they gave me the painkiller injection so I didn’t feel any severe pain. 
They told me that I could drink water after 2~3 hours, but the hosepipe deep inside my nose and the hemovac inside my mouth were very uncomfortable. 
The compression on my face was quite painful and I couldn’t sleep well because of it. 
I was noted to sleep on a seated position to 110 degrees, consecutively drank water with the injection, and to give you one tip, I tried hard to endure the pain from the compression, because the it helped me from swelling. 

They told me that the swelling will probably last until 3 days, but mine went away the next day. 
Hemovac and the bandage were changed the next day, and the pain wasn’t terrible but endurable. 
But I think this depends on the person.

Good thing about Wonjin Plastic Surgery is that their ward is big enough for 1 person. and it’s single. 
The doctor’s say that my surgery results are good despite the fact that it was a dangerous one, and I am quite satisfied with it. 

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Honestly, on the day of discharge, I didn’t want to leave the hospital because I was too used to it haha. 
I got my appetite back again after leaving the hospital. 
I think I was better off in the hospital because there’s just too much food outside 
I ordered ox bone soup in Naju Gomtang, and that’s when I realized that I couldn’t chew at all. 
Unfinished rice and bits of meats in the soup aroused my appetite, but it’s quite bearable now since my swelling subsiding and I have my compression bandage off. 
Since the day of discharge, I keep imagining myself chewing on foods like pork cutlets, samgyupsal, and spaghettis. 
Cheers to Wonjin Plastic Surgery!

짱이뻐! - Diary Of The Best Two Jaw Surgery In Korea

2 weeks have passed from the day of my two jaw surgery.
The pain is gone and everything’s more comfortable now. 
It was hard to to shower at first due to the stitches, but now it’s easy to cleanse my face and I’m grateful as the days go by. 

I drank mung bean juice, bellflower juice, black garlic juice and pumpkin juice that my grandmother gave me. Mung beans are good for detoxifying, bellflower and black garlics are good for strengthening immune systems and neuralgia, and lasty, pumpkins are good for swelling. 
I think these helped me a lot with the swelling and getting my complexion back again. 
Parts of my face were yellow, but now my face is clean enough that I could barely see the bruises. 
All I can do in the house is to think about soft foods. 
Such recovery days have given me the time to manage myself and it really means a lot to me. 
Thank you Wonjin Plastic Surgery. 

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1 month after the two jaw surgery.
I’m managing my life quite well except that I keep sweating and I’m not a heavy sweater.
I totally forgot to write my diary. 
My face isn’t still natural so I’m only seeing my close friends since I can’t interact with people actively. I go to the movies or watch performances to relieve stress. 

The orthodontic instruments in my mouth will be removed in one week and I’m looking forward to it. 
I had to go through lots of restrictions such as sleeping in an upright position, avoiding water, food, sneezing, and cleansing often. 
But now, I don’t have to pay close attention to each of these things and I’ve realized the importance and the value of basic life. 
I wonder how I’ll look by the time I write my next diary. 

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2 months after the two jaw surgery
Now I’m starting with corrective orthodontics. 

I’m not sure I should be lucky about this, but I didn’t feel any pain during the treatment because parts of my face were still numb. 
My parents were frankly joking about my face that I look like a plastic person who has botoxfiller side effects. Some people said that they want the surgery, too. 

I hear lots of complements about my facial line, and since I didn’t tell anyone about my procedure, people just think that I’ve gained a little bit of weight during my vacation and nobody notices…!
That’s probably because my doctor put his utmost efforts for my surgery results and I’m really thankful about it. It would be a typical cliché review if I only write about the good things, so to share some of the difficulties, the outer space of my upper teeth seem to have become narrower. 
I think this is due to the fixation made on the jaws but this is it. 
I lost a lot of weight and muscle, so I can’t wait until I start my self-management such as exercise after 3 months.

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Now, major swellings have subsided a lot and I don’t find any difficulties during my daily activities. 
But after major discomforts are gone, I’m starting to feel little minor discomforts. 
I got a feeling that my inner space of my mouth has become narrower. 
I’m currently going through my corrective orthodontics, so I’m keeping an eye on my oral hygiene.

I gargle often to prevent foods from sticking in between my teeth. 
I can see the difference of my reflection in the mirror before surgery and after surgery and my overall body length has gotten longer compared to before. 
I thinks this is a great advantage for a person like me who major in fine arts and physical education and I’m really happy to see myself being taller. 
I’m quite satisfied with my appearance, but I can spot the leftover swellings on my profile pictures or during my photo shoots. 
I’ll exercise and focus on my diet so that my swelling subsides faster.

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It’s been 4 months now. 
Major swellings have subsided, but I don’t see any difference in the photos lol 
Some people just doesn’t seem to look well in the photos, right? I think being consistent really helps a lot. 
Before the surgery, I was very I insecure about my sunken smile line, but the facial muscle exercise that the nurse taught me during my recovery time has given me great improvements that I can barely see my smile lines now. 
짱이뻐! - Diary Of The Best Two Jaw Surgery In Korea

I was wondering about how I should write this entire diary aside from mentioning only about the appearance improvements. 
Photo diaries may help people make their decision, but those who have their surgeries ahead will also read it too. 
So I decided to write about the difficulties and the things that helped me to overcome them. 
I went through the reviews of other patients from different websites, but I wasn’t able to find one that really helped me. 
I know that those who are planning to have plastic surgery also feel the same way. 

I got my braces for my upper jaw the last time I visited the clinic, and this time, I got it attached my lower jaw, too. 
They say that you can lose a lot of weight during orthodontics but it didn’t apply to me. 
It was only painful on the first day. 
But after I got my braces on both of my upper and lower jaw, I tend to avoid hard foods because it’s difficult to maintain oral hygiene after eating. 
To describe the pain, it’s as if all of my teeth are pulled out. 
I thought my doctor would attach the braces neatly, but it was totally ugly. 
It’s not as uncomfortable as I imagined. 

짱이뻐! - Diary Of The Best Two Jaw Surgery In Korea

6 months have passed and it’s new year already! 
I just hang around in the house and work as a part timer. 
My boss would often compliment me about my meticulousness in the workplace, but now, 

I’m receiving even more compliments since my impression has gotten a lot better than before. 
My workplace quite near from that of Wonjin Plastic Surgery’s Photo department, so I drop by sometimes. 
My body conditions weren’t so great nowadays because I worked too hard. 

I couldn’t eat and all I could do was lay down on my bed. 
But the good thing is that I lost some weight and my swelling reduced too. 
My braces keep falling off because I tend to binge on foods at once. 
The orthodontic method is a little different from what I imagined so I need careful awareness of it. 
I hope I can get it removed anytime soon~ 

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I got very busy after the new semester in my school that I don’t even have time to pick what to wear for the day. 
Now, the pimples that spread all over my chin are completely gone. 
I think the skin treatment from Wonjin’s dermatology and the use of acne soap helped me a lot. 
Acne was like hell. 
I think my nerves are quite sensitive because the acne treatment was so painful for me. 

The tooth extraction procedure was more painful than the best two jaw surgery in Korea
Well, I’ve endured it and I’m all better now. 
Since I major in dance, I often suffer from muscular pains and I get very sensitive when my clothes are uncomfortable, and I’m also really busy participating in school performances and events. 
That’s why I was unable to take many photos. 
I guess I’ll have to try harder.. haha

짱이뻐! - Diary Of The Best Two Jaw Surgery In Korea

I was too busy with festival events, student council duties, performance preparations, competitions and part time jobs. I just finished my performance and my work as a staff in the competition. It was hard for me to take pictures with a smile since I was to busy.. But I believe that being busy with your own work is a good thing~~! Haha

My makeup artist, teachers from other schools and my friends didn’t recognize me at all when they first saw me. The others were confused whether it was really menot unless they looked at my face very closely. 
I was in charge of gate or keeping the doors to the stage, and people who passed by the doors complimented me for being handsome.
And I’m not sure if this is a delusion, but it seems like people are treating me in a kinder manner than before. 
My impression got better and people doesn’t recognize that I’ve had plastic surgery since it’s too natural. 
It was quite strange to know that my friends whom I expected to recognize me actually did not.. 
They thought that I had rhinoplasty or dimple surgery… and they’re totally wrong! 

My friends who meet me often say that I’m looking better each day as the swelling subsides. 
And I’m receiving calls again from some people when I update my profile pictures. 
I hope I can get my braces off soon and smile with my mouth wide open;

짱이뻐! - Diary Of The Best Two Jaw Surgery In Korea

Name: Sol Lee
Age: 21
Surgery: Two Jaw Surgery

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