
[Real Diary] Korean Face Contouring, Wonjin is The Answer

10:30:00 PM

짱이뻐! - Korean Face Contouring, Wonjin is The Answer

I was so nervous I just couldn’t fall asleep, so I tried sleeping but my body wouldn’t listen to me. The clinic told me to come by 8:20 am so I packed my stuff and went. 

They gave me some surgery consent forms to sign and while they explained everything to me, a whole hour just went by... they called my name from the operation room so I washed up and went in. The nurse inserted a needle and said it’s going to feel weird~ 

Honestly, at that moment I wondered why I was going into surgery, and then no memory... hahaha after the surgery, I came out and I was all, “who am I...” hehe Other people said they felt stuffy because of the anesthesia, but I didn’t experience any of that. The nurse shook me, and then I realized my mom was coming. I also don’t remember the consultant and my mom coming to see me...
Anyway, I came out of the recovery room and suddenly I couldn’t breathe properly. It was no use practicing breathing with my mouth because I couldn’t breathe through my nose!

짱이뻐! - Korean Face Contouring, Wonjin is The Answer짱이뻐! - Korean Face Contouring, Wonjin is The Answer

짱이뻐! - Korean Face Contouring, Wonjin is The Answer짱이뻐! - Korean Face Contouring, Wonjin is The Answer


I couldn’t sleep properly again because it was so stuffy and my face is so swollen! The first day was alright, but on the second day I looked like a balloon!! Haha. I went down to the dentist for a check-up and removed my blood barrel~ and the doctor also tied me up with rubber band after the treatment, it was comfortable again. Then I spent the whole day watching TV while receiving pain killer injection. 

OMG it’s already been 3 days ~ and I am finally going home... I should be happy but I kinda want to stay here longer!! I look less swollen now so I guess it’s going down muahaha But I’m starving since I couldn’t eatdrink because of my phlegm... Can’t breathe through my nosemy mouth,, can’t breathe!! The nurse came in and yanked the hose out of my nostril. I could finally breathe!~ 

I look at the mirror the whole day^^ I still need my mom to help me wash my hair, but I can do most of the work~! The hardest part is, I really want to eat food, like real food. I miss eating rice, meat, and my inconsiderate boyfriend started eating snacks in front of me. So, I decided to go to a fresh seafood place!

짱이뻐! - Korean Face Contouring, Wonjin is The Answer

짱이뻐! - Korean Face Contouring, Wonjin is The Answer

짱이뻐! - Korean Face Contouring, Wonjin is The Answer

It’s already been a month~ and finally time to go back to work! time sure does fly quickly! I look at the mirror first thing in the morning every day. I even took a picture today. The swelling is going down unevenly. My lips look really thick but they were thick even before hehe. I went to work, and people were really surprised hahaha they said I looked pretty and much younger. It was embarrassing but it felt good. My eyes look bigger and my nose looks higher. I can’t believe my face became so pretty with just Korean two jaw surgery! @@ I want to look even more prettier

짱이뻐! - Korean Face Contouring, Wonjin is The Answer

I still haven’t done my braces yet because I have a rotten tooth. I should’ve taken better care of my teeth TT but I also feel like I cannot wait to see my beautiful smile after the surgery!!!
I put on make-up and I look and feel like a different person, I took some selfies. I used to hate taking pictures but now, I just love taking pictures of everything.

My lips are still a bit uneven but I’m happy. I look good with any expression >,< Practice opening my mouth~ I can now fit 3-4 fingers in my mouth hehe I know what ya’ll are thinking It’s so cold these days. 

Hope everybody stay healthy!

Name: Katniss
Surgery: Face Contour, Two Jaw Surgery

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