
[Get to Know] Korean Anti-Aging - Fat Grafting

9:30:00 PM

If you feel like want to 'add' volume to your sunken part, then fat grafting might be the best choice. Beside known as Korean face contouring specialized hospital, Wonjin Beauty Medical Group also has many other facilities like Dermatologist, Dental Clinic, Permanent Make-Up Center, to After Care Center. Here, this Korean anti-aging treatment is pretty popular, chosen by both young and elder people. The unnecessary fat from abdomen, thighs, or buttocks would be extracted using a centrifuge, so only the fat is grafted to the face. Well, not only face, fat grafting also can be done for breast and buttocks augmentation.

This fat grafting, which is also called by fat injection, can also improves overall dimension of the face which amplifies anti-aging, to give you younger looking face. So this procedure is recommended for those with sunken or uneven forehead and eyelids, also if you want to make your flat nose higher, rather than using implant or filler, you can try fat grafting instead. 

짱이뻐! - Korean Anti-Aging - Fat Grafting

At Wonjin Plastic Surgery Clinic Seoul Korea, there is a procedure called Micro Fat Grafting, which is an extended version of regular Fat Grafting. Micro Fat Grafting uses injection to transplant trace amounts of fat evenly for accuracy and higher rate of transplant. And because it is injected, general anesthesia and incision is not necessary.

짱이뻐! - Korean Anti-Aging - Fat Grafting

One of the advantages of Micro Fat Grafting is that it can last longer than the regular one because it's considered as semi permanent result, while the regular one can only lasts like for 1 to 3 the longest. 

There are also fat grafting procedures called Lipokit Fat Grafting and Stem Cell Fat Grafting. What is Lipokit Fat Grafting? It is an equipment that can perform liposuction and centrifugation that is used to extract fat and purify it which allows minimal possibility for infection. It removes free oil and responsible for the survivability of fat, which allows cohesive fat grafting.  While the Stem Cell Fat Grafting means, extracting the unnecessary fat and separating clean fat cells to extract stem cells with excellent regenerative ability. Then the cells will be mixed with fat and grafted to the desire area to increase regenerative rate and skin regeneration which will gives you the younger and more active appearance.

For the stem cell fat grafting itself, there is a thing called Smart Stem Cell Fat Grafting. Smart system fat grafting reduces the chance for failed fat transplant by extracting unnecessary fat and separating the clean fat cells. These cells are further separated into healthy cells to transplant them on the necessary area. The fat and stem cells are combined leading to an increased rate of transplant and effects, resulting in skin regeneration and younger looking skin. 

Here are the advantages of the Korean anti-aging, smart stem cell fat grating:

  • 1. Expect semi permanent anti aging effect with 1 procedure.
  • 2. Young and healthy fat cells are used for higher rate of transplant.
  • 3. Almost no rate of infection due to use to one’s own tissue.
  • 4. Removal of wrinkles, improved tightness, and clear skin tone.
  • 5. Pore tightening, improvement of acne scars and skin troubles.
  • 6. Almost no swelling or scarring.

짱이뻐! - Korean Anti-Aging - Fat Grafting
짱이뻐! - Korean Anti-Aging - Fat Grafting

See also: Korean anti-aging real story
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