[Get to Know] Korean Face Contouring - Belkyra Injection

3:50:00 PM

A new technology has been introduced to correct the double chin, with non-surgical treatment. Belkyra Injection is the only non-surgical injectable treatment for reduction of fullness under the chin that has undergone rigorous clinical evaluation, including four Phase 3 clinical studies involving more than 2,600 patients worldwide.

Until now, treatment options for submental fullness have been limited to surgical options such as liposuction and non-surgical in-clinic procedures using handheld devices or aggressive weight-loss regimens with potentially limited improvement. When injected into fat under the chin, Belkyra Injection permanently causes the destruction of fat cells. Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat.

Belkyra Injection contains a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid which imitates naturally-occurring deoxycholic acid. When injected into subcutaneous fat, Belkyra Injection  causes the destruction of fat cells.  Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat.

If the previous injection for face contouring only lasts to a year, Belkyra Injection can lasts up to 5 year, giving the semi permanent result. 

More information can be found here!
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  1. Thanks for sharing beneficial information and also visit my blog for better understanding Belkyra treatment in Dubai



