[Real Diary] Not Round Anymore but Really Slim, The Best Korean Face Contouring

11:30:00 PM

짱이뻐! - Not Round Anymore but Really Slim, The Best Korean Face Contouring
I decided to get Korean facial contouring because of my cheek bones that stick out. It wasn't that serious, but when I take pictures, my cheek bones would look large. I had to cover my face with my hair and take pictures sideways because my face was rugged. 

I expect to have a more feminine looking face after the surgery. Even though the cheek bones won’t go away completely, I just wish they could become smaller. There’s only 3 days before the surgery and I feel anxious more than feeling scared/worried. I really hope everything goes well ^^

짱이뻐! - Not Round Anymore but Really Slim, The Best Korean Face Contouring

It’s finally surgery day and I am so nervous. The surgery time was late afternoon, so I had an early breakfast and then fasted. I wanted to drink water very badly but I had to fast for 8 hours for the surgery. 

I got to the hospital 2 hours early and the manager at the hospital checked everything and explained the precautions. The surgery floors are from floors 13 to 16, but I had mine at the facial contouring center which is on the 13th floor. 
While waiting for the surgeon, my manager held my hand and started talking to me. After seeing the doctor, I went into the operation room and my heart started to beat really fast. The anesthesiologist checked that I fasted again, and proceeded to put me under anesthesia. 

I don’t remember anything from the surgery, when I got to the recovery room, I realized I was wearing a mask. I don’t really remember then too, but my throat was all dry and I had a blood bag attached. 

When I became conscious again, I looked for the mirror. I couldn’t talk properly but the nurse understood and brought a mirror. I laughed out loud because my face was all big from the swelling. They tied my hair sideways at the recovery room, and I was moved to another room after 1 hour.

It was a one person room, and it was so clean! I could press a bell if I needed anything. The first day went by without too much pain probably because I was getting injection to kill the pain. 

짱이뻐! - Not Round Anymore but Really Slim, The Best Korean Face Contouring

짱이뻐! - Not Round Anymore but Really Slim, The Best Korean Face Contouring

The nurses came in at night to check for my blood pressure and body temperature. They kindly explained how to gargle when I woke up in the morning. It also felt pretty good when they removed the blood bag. 

I took this picture before breakfast. It was a bit surprising to see how little my face was swollen, because I could easily open my eyes, move my lips, and also swallow without too much trouble. But I was much more comfortable than on the first day once the blood bag was gone.

After sanitizing my mouth, I was moved to the patient ward and had breakfast. I slurped the soup bit by bit and was told to walk around frequently to reduce the swelling. So I walked backed and forth around the ward.

So after lunch, I got ready to go home and the nurse helped me find a cab. I was so thankful because I got home safely and comfortably. ^^

People say that you swell up the most on the 3rd day. I couldn’t quite open my eyes and my face was bloated. The inside of my cheeks were also swollen and I got a lot of phlegm. It didn’t hurt so much right after the surgery, but my teeth hurt and it feels like they’re throbbing right now.

I don’t need to take painkillers because it doesn’t hurt but I’m eating lots of pumpkin soup to help with the swelling. The swelling started to go down around afternoon time so I will now take my meds, gargle, and wait for the rest of the swelling to go down. ^^

짱이뻐! - Not Round Anymore but Really Slim, The Best Korean Face Contouring

짱이뻐! - Not Round Anymore but Really Slim, The Best Korean Face Contouring

It’s 6 days after the surgery, and I started wearing a compression band. I couldn’t sleep properly because my jaw was hurting so I had to take painkillers in the middle of the night. In the morning, my face turned yellow and it was not very pretty to look at. 

But the swelling started going down from the 5th day, and on the 7th, the shape of my lips and jawline were visible! It’s pretty cool to see that my chin is sharper. 

I couldn’t wash properly for the past few days so my face was dry and rough. In the evening, I got my hair shampooed at the hair salon and put on a facial mask that was given to me by Wonjin. My face is cleaner and softer now ^^

After my face mask, I met my coworkers in the evening and they said I looked cute all swollen up. They told me my face was slimmer and much smaller. I was worried since I had to go back to work but I guess I’m relieved. ^^

짱이뻐! - Not Round Anymore but Really Slim, The Best Korean Face Contouring

짱이뻐! - Not Round Anymore but Really Slim, The Best Korean Face Contouring

It’s already been 2 weeks~

It’s so hard to put the mirror down. The swelling under my chin and bruises didn’t go down very well until the 11th day. However after applying warm packs the swelling started going down quickly~^^

My work requires a lot of talking so I did everything I could to minimalize the swelling. I tried eating pumpkin soup, wore face masks, and also received injection that really helped the swelling go down. I met my friends in 2 weeks and they said that I became really pretty. I told them I was swollen because I went to the dentist and these dumb kids actually believed me haha 

I still don’t have any sensation on my front chin and my lips, but I’m just so psyched to see myself change every day. Just wanna see my slim face after all the swelling is gone! 

짱이뻐! - Not Round Anymore but Really Slim, The Best Korean Face Contouring

짱이뻐! - Not Round Anymore but Really Slim, The Best Korean Face Contouring

It’s been a whole month. I was really looking forward to my first month after the surgery and it’s way more than what I had expected. My face is so pretty and I feel so much more confident. I take selfies all the time now.

I can open my mouth wider now and talk more naturally. I can eat almost everything, and people tell me that my face is tiny. Now that it’s been one month, I feel that my face was born for the camera and it makes me feel so warm inside to see my changing self. 

짱이뻐! - Not Round Anymore but Really Slim, The Best Korean Face Contouring

짱이뻐! - Not Round Anymore but Really Slim, The Best Korean Face Contouring

So two months have passed now. It feels like I received the surgery only yesterday but time flies quickly. People tell me that I’m not swollen anymore but I can see minor swelling in my pictures. Now that my cheek bones don’t stick out, it looks like my nose is higher too. I only got cheekbone reduction surgery, but it’s like I got my nose done too haha 

It was my birthday recently so I met my friends and they freaked out! They didn't quite realize that I had surgery, and said I lost so much weight and my face got smaller.

I look much more natural than last month right? I must continue to practice moving my lips.

짱이뻐! - Not Round Anymore but Really Slim, The Best Korean Face Contouring

짱이뻐! - Not Round Anymore but Really Slim, The Best Korean Face Contouring

I feel like it’s been a while since I had the surgery but it’s only been 3 months. I’ve been looking at the mirror every day since the surgery, so I couldn’t really tell, but looking back at my past pictures, I look really different.

I asked my consultant about the swelling, and she told me that 70% of it is gone now. Guess my face will become smaller? Hehehe 

It still feels like there is something in my mouth and foot bits get stuck inside. But I look better in my pictures as the swelling goes down so it’s so fun taking pics hehe I also cut my hair recently and it suits me very well puahaha

짱이뻐! - Not Round Anymore but Really Slim, The Best Korean Face Contouring

짱이뻐! - Not Round Anymore but Really Slim, The Best Korean Face Contouring

4 months since my Korean face contouring surgery. My friends don’t know anything, and I think almost all my swelling is gone. You can’t really tell, but if you look really closely, my face is a bit uneven because of the swelling. I heard that swelling can last up to a year so that’s no surprise~^^;

I didn’t realize this but now that it’s been 4 months, the swelling under my chin is almost all gone! When I take pics to the side, they’re not round anymore, but really slim. 

Wow!!! I finally got to change my hair. I really wanted to try short hair with bangs and I finally did it! People say I look younger and cuter hehe. 

짱이뻐! - Not Round Anymore but Really Slim, The Best Korean Face Contouring

짱이뻐! - Not Round Anymore but Really Slim, The Best Korean Face Contouring

It’s been 5 months since the surgery, and I sometimes forget that I got surgery haha I’m so used to my new face now so when I look at my old pictures before the Korean face contouring surgery, it feels weird.

Name: Hannah
Age: 30
Surgery: Face Contour

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