
[Talk to WONJIN] Correlation Between Eyes and Eyebrow in Korea Plastic Surgery

Korea Eye Plastic Surgery 7:06:00 AM
Problem I'm 25 and I'm a worker for a company. Before, double eyelid outline was popular and pretty so I wanted to do it. But the doctor said the gap between my eyebrow and eyes are short so it won't be pretty. Is it true that I really can't have it? Answer It's not impossible. People with short gap between eyebrow and eyes,...

[Get to Know] Korean Rhinoplasty - Otorhinolaryngology

Get to Know 7:54:00 AM
Korean rhinoplasty functional surgery is referred to as Otorhinolaryngology surgery, wherein Wonjin Plastic Surgery’s ENT specialists and plastic surgery specialists collaborate in order to correct both internal structure (functional) and aesthetic aspects (cosmetic) of the nose at the same time.  With over 20 years of experience in the Rhinoplasty field, Wonjin Plastic Surgery is now equipped with a collaborative center of plastic surgery and...

[Q&A] Korea Eye Plastic Surgery #2

Korea Eye Plastic Surgery 4:42:00 PM
Have you heard about Epicanthoplasty? What is it? What kind of Korea eye plastic surgery is it? Why people seems like to be interested much in this surgery day by day? The wrinkles in the eyes is connected, especially the upper side near the nose. Then the lower part also actually can be increased. If before, people like to do upper side canthoplasty...


